Sunday, January 20, 2013

Danny at 8 Months

8 month BIG boy
If I had to describe Danny at 8 months in a few words, I'd say he's determined, rambunctious and expressive. He's into EVERYTHING, especially the things you don't want him to play with, so you pick him up and move him across the room from said thing and he's back at it seconds later. Determined, I tell you. He's also noticeably more "wild" or rambunctious. I think this month may be the first that he's characteristically and stereotypically more a boy. Let's just say we're savoring every moment he lets us just hold and cuddle him. He's also great at turning the emotions on and off - happy little boy one second, utterly devastated the next, and then cheerful again. So dramatic. He's become increasing fun to take places, loves to sit in high chairs, ride in carts, people watch, grab at everything he can reach. Good stuff! Thank you sweet Danny for keeping us on our toes. You're truly the most fabulous baby I could ever imagine.

Biting the bottom lip = means business
Picture time
No, mom...
Why meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?????

Weight: 17.2 lbs, which I think officially makes him a little peanut

Likes: Malloy, Malloy's food bin, cords, pulling everything out of my diaper bag, FOOD!, pulling the paper off the printer tray, bike rides with daddy, stroller rides (during the day only for some reason), pulling his socks off, baths

Dislikes: hmm...still doesn't LOVE riding in the car, being told "no" or taken away from something he wants, playing by himself when he wants mom and dad to play with him

Sleeping: I'm so happy to say that there's not much to say about Danny's sleeping. Nine of out 10 nights, he puts himself to sleep about 7:30pm and sleeps, without waking, until about 6am. If he does wake in the middle of the night, he usually just fusses a little and puts himself back to sleep. Very cute and kind of funny, is his new habit of sitting up in his crib and falling back asleep with his head on his lap in front of him. I must capture a pic of this!

Eating: We're still on all pureed fruits and vegetables at this point. Per my pediatrician's recommendation, I've tried to put some small, soft pieces of peaches on the tray of his high chair, but he won't pick them up. I guess he doesn't have the hand "raking" coordination yet. He also makes an awful face when I feed him a piece of food, not pureed on a spoon. Oh well! We'll get there! 

Peace out!

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