Friday, March 30, 2012

Size Comparison

My BabyBump app says Baby O is the size of a large jicama right now, but I say a personal watermelon is more accurate. Now I must eat you, prop, every last bite of you.

Got home tonight to a box of goodies from Amie in CA. Books, blankets and clothes - including Baby O's first pair of trunks. Thanks so much Amie and Wyatt!!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

32 Weeks Wednesday (Belly Shot)

32 weeks aka 7 months aka the home stretch as far as I am concerned. Without further adieu, the belly...

I didn't want to say anything on the blog until I knew the verdict, but at my 30 week doctor's appointment they ordered a size and date ultrasound because I was measuring a little smaller than expected. Jimmy and I went yesterday and Baby O is in the 48% percentile for 32 weeks - "perfectly average" per the doctor. Obviously only in size and weight and not in brains and brawn though. Amniotic fluid levels are also great. I guess I'm just keeping him sucked in ever so slightly at this point, but we're still on track for an estimated due date of May 23rd.

Here's a 3D image of our little boog. Don't mind the "hook" or "hoof" next to his nose. He was hiding behind his hands and moving at the same time, so we have some funky blurring going on. He got minimal camera time, but we did see him making a sucking motion with his mouth, stick out his tongue and get a bout of hiccups. Pretty cool to see his stomach pulse on the screen while feeling it in my belly at the same time. Ultrasound tech confirmed he has a head of hair and "quite some cheeks on him" (face, not butt). I, of course, already think he's just the most handsome, chubby cheeked, kissable guy around...

Friday, March 23, 2012


I've been trying for weeks to catch the belly action and every time I whip out my phone to film it, he stops. Watching TV last night, I gave it another whirl and I actually caught a little action. What in the world is he doing in there?

Note: this was actually him pretty subdued. I hope to catch a really "lively" session before it gets too cramped and he doesn't move as much...

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

31 Weeks Wednesday

Loving my pregnancy at 31 weeks and this warm weather we've been having. Life is good! Dinner and Lamaze tonight with Jimmy - the interim "dinner and a movie" date for us. Lamaze class coupled with my friend Elizabeth's recent birth has really gotten me thinking about THE big day or (sigh) days. Statistics suggest I have at least 9, but realistically 10 or even 11, more weeks left to go, but I've already started mentally preparing. One thing I'm definitely going to spend some time on is an "action plan" for Jimmy. Communication is always essential in a marriage, but during times of stress, like child birth, it's especially important. I don't want to bore anyone further, but just know that I'm going to do my best to give Jimmy the insight and tools he needs to be there for me in all the ways I need him to at least one of us will kind of know what we're doing.

I went by the doc to pick up some paperwork, so I took advantage of the private loo to snap a picture. Here's me at 31 weeks. Big ol' bare belly shot coming next week.

In other news, I've been drudging through a book for over a month and I'm just sick of it. I need some reading pleasure in my life, so I'm taking The Hunger Games plunge. I'm so excited!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patty's Day

How pregnant me and baby O are celebrating St. Patty's Day...the same way we celebrated Christmas, Valentine's Day and my birthday - with treats!

Here's baby O's gear for next year - compliments of Grandma, aka Martha. Can't wait to teach him about his Irish heritage. Wait, all I know is the Irish like to drink, so it will have to wait until he's 21 and maybe dad, Uncle Kevin and Great Uncle Jamie are better suited.

Happy St. Patty's Day one and all!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

30 Weeks Wednesday

Can't believe we've already hit the 3-0 mark and in two weeks we'll only have two months (give or take) to go until we meet our little man. I bet he's going to be a spitting image of baby Jimmy. No doubt about it - he'll definitely love the ocean as much as his daddy.

Let's see, what did we do this week? Auntie Ali came to visit which was very fun. We had a good dinner at my mom's on Sunday and then a girls v. boys Trivial Pursuit match-up. The girls, of course, won. Ali came over for dinner at our house on Monday and then Tuesday night this happened...

So nice to see my baby sister and let her feel her little nephew.

Today's been a busy day with a OB check-up this afternoon and the first Lamaze class tonight. I really liked the doctor I saw today and so, apparently, did baby O as he was showing off his acrobatics throughout the entire exam. According to the doc, he's head down on his side - back to my left and knees/feet to my right. Explains the incessant right rib pain. Glad to know he's facing the right way. Oh and I can forgive the right rib pain - I just love him to pieces already.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

29 Weeks Wednesday

Today marks 29 weeks and Uncle Kevin's 25th birthday! Happy Birthday Kevin! I'm so late posting today because I've been busy making he and Jimmy dinner - Tyler Florence's rock-n-roll tacos. And then instead of cake we're having these Reeses cheesecake bars, which combines two of Kevin's favorite things. Me and baby O are going to enjoy them as well.

Speaking of baby O, the activity continues to increase. We're talking whole belly distortion, sci-fi action.  I'm enjoying it while it lasts because I know eventually it gets too crowded and movement slows a little. I swear I am noticeably bigger every day. I'm feeling pretty tired each night, which probably has something to do with how insanely busy I've been. I MUST make it a point to slow down. Other than that, it's business as usual!