Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Kingston at 1 Month Old (+ 1 week)

Really crazy to think that Kingston has already been with us for 5 weeks! He continues to be adored by his older brothers, mom and dad alike! We're definitely out of the early, early newborn phase where he just sleeps all the time and into the phase where he's irritable and fussy at times. Witching hour is especially "witchy" these days - like only happy when I'm wearing him during dinner prep. I swear I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't be hands-free while taking care of the other kiddos and the house! Doesn't especially love riding in the car, but does love baths and makes the cutest little "Zoolander" face with puckered lips.  For the most part I'd say he's a pretty "easy" baby so far and really healthy! Like chubby healthy. First of our babies to have fat rolls. Hard to believe how quiet I insisted things be when Danny was a baby and how much noise Kingston can sleep through. Difference between the first and third is no joke! We love you Kingston and can't wait to see you continue to grow!

And who said double chins weren't cute?
Crew helping direct our photo shoot

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