Thursday, October 5, 2017

Indian Summer

This past weekend we enjoyed some fun Indian Summer time with the Henson family! They were in town from the mountains for a couple days for some beach time and to close on the lot for their future vacation property which happens to be adjacent to house! A "shared" pool is already in talks and we just can't wait to have them close by again. First up was introducing them to the neighbors at Matt's birthday party where Crew, Danny and Gemma scared all the adults out of the pool. We may have been the only people with kids there, but we rocked it if I do say so myself. And Crew exhibited some serious ISR skills swimming and "starfishing" (floating on his back to breathe) in the midst of a crazy night at the pool.

Crew so happy and comfortable floating on his back
Danny and Gemma
Post swim snack WAY past bedtime

Unfortunately, it was a super windy rest of the weekend so we set up camp at the pool and dock at my mom's condo for some fishing and chilly swimming. Gemma was definitely the big winner...

Manhandling finger mullets. Poor guys
Sweet Casher
Captain Jimmy
Best buds
Danny and Gemma have been best (beach) friends for years and it's so interesting to see how their dynamic has changed over that time. Like the first night Gemma was in town this weekend, she and Danny were upstairs playing and then she came down crying. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong, but later confined in her mom (Lindsay) saying that she asked Danny if he liked her outfit and he said "no". Fast forward to this day fishing on the docks and I heard her say to Danny, "I forgive you for what you said the other day. It's okay. Do you like this outfit better?" to which Danny said (like a typical man), "I guess." They're both five going on 15 and have so much to learn about the opposite sex! 

Not pictured in this weekend recap was Lindsay and I sneaking away for a glass of wine while Jimmy and Chad watched the five kids. It was a nice break that would have only been made better if the men had fed and bathed the kids, but we'll take what we can get! 

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