Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Crew Turns 3

October 24th marked Crew's 3rd birthday and we made sure to celebrate for the whole week! Oh Crew, you continue to be our more temperamental child with bouts of lows, crying like the world is ending, and then the next second, you're just the happiest kid you'd ever want to meet! It's hard being three and a middle child, trying to figure the world out, but you're doing great. You look up to Danny and absolutely adore Kingston. You're amazing at hugs and snuggling. You have a great sense of humor and an infectious laugh - sometimes it's hard to discipline you because you make me smile! Your best friend is Scarlett from St. James Day School because she keeps you on your toes and gives you a run for your money. I have a feeling you'll be a great athlete someday! I absolutely love seeing your personality blossom and I'm just so glad you're mine!

First up was cupcakes with Crew's classroom where he REFUSED to wear the birthday hat Mrs. Ivey made him or let his friends sing Happy Birthday. Silly boy.

Finally wearing the hat while riding his new "bike" from Grandma

Hand-me-down "Party Animal " shirt + New Presents

Wrangling by Nana
New pool toy from Nana for next spring/summer
Cake and ice cream!
Looking like such a big boy
Here are some other pics of Crew at three. We love you so much!

Loves dressing up!
Beret on the potty. Why not?
Loving his new legos from my friend, Robert
Loves him so fiercely
Dancing on the coffee table. Typical day for us!

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