Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bon Voyage!

To those of you I have spoken to recently, Jimmy and I have been hosting Kevin for the last couple weeks as he briefly entertained the idea of getting a job and living in Wilmington for a little while. After much soul searching and helping us paint 4 rooms in our house, he's decided to try out the Virgin Islands instead. What white sand beaches, warm weather, crystal clear waters and the absence of manual labor have on shacking up with us in Wilmington, I just don't know. Anyways, we wish him the best of luck and much happiness in his journey. Hopefully, he's there long enough for us to save up enough money to visit!


  1. Wow! Good luck to him!!!! Why did I not know you had a blog??? I am such a faithful commenter! I am so excited Hilary broke this news to me last night! Yay! Now Ben and I can keep track of you crazy kids!

  2. PS - Send pics of the painted rooms!

  3. Ok. I've caught up. I'm seriously BAFFLED as to how I didn't know you had this freaking blog? Did you send out some e-mail that I missed in my pregnancy brain???? I'm so confused! We MISS you guys! I love that you guys got snuggies too at xmas- my dad got one. I got a kindle as well from Ben! How do you like yours? I'm still into my real books- but for traveling- think the kindle is great. I also love that Jimmy makes posts. Maybe Ben will be inspired. This is so exciting. Totally made my day to know I get to track you guys online!!!!!!!
