Wednesday, September 19, 2012

3 Years

Today marks our 3 year wedding anniversary! My how things have changed. Last year, while we were in Charleston celebrating our 2 year anniversary, we found out I was pregnant.

Now we're officially no longer just Jimmy and Kaylie, but also mommy and daddy to an amazing baby boy...who happens to be turning 4 months tomorrow. I'd be lying if I said that having a baby doesn't challenge your relationship because it definitely does. But each day we overcome any stress or exhaustion, we become stronger and even closer than before. And...Danny pretty much melts our hearts on the turn of a dime. If he's not a reminder to always love one another, I don't know what is. And seeing Jimmy interact with him is just the sweetest thing ever. Confession: I knew Jimmy would be an amazing father from the moment I met him. In fact, it was partly what made me fall in love with him and ultimately want to marry him. 

In typical old fogie style, Danny and I are just meeting Jimmy for lunch today, but otherwise waiting to go on our anniversary date until Nana is back from her trip to CO. And instead of surprise gifts for one another, we're talking about a new mattress for our aching backs. But don't let my anti-climatic tone fool you - life is truly grand. We are unbelievably fortunate. I can't wait to grow old...and raise our family together, Jimmy. Love you the most!

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