Monday, April 7, 2014

And We Did It - 1st Haircut

As forecasted last week, I finally bit the bullet and took Danny for his first haircut. He was immediately enthralled with the "shop" part of this place with a bunch of cool toys and a little playhouse to climb in.

The scene

He was not equally "into" sitting in the cute little car chair and cooperatively sucking on a lollipop while the nice lady cut his hair. So I put on the cape, sucked on the lollipop and held him on my lap. We got very hairy, but there were no tears, so I'd say it was a success!

During and After

Danny's documentation with my phone. Some pretty cool shots!
Though I was feeling a little sad about doing it - after all, getting hair cuts are for big boys, not babies -  I'm glad we did it. And he looks super handsome if I do say so myself.

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