Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hello 3rd Trimester! (28 weeks belly shot)

Wow, just when I think that I should do a blog post about this pregnancy and share a belly shot, I'm in the 3rd trimester already! How, just how?? Little man is due November 2nd and, no, we don't have a name yet! But even when we do, we think we're going to wait until he's born to share with everyone. So there :)

So far, so great! I'm way past the all-day, early exhaustion phase. And so far no heartburn or swelling and only minimal back and feet aches. I definitely tire easy and I'm ready to rest at the end of the day, but that's to be expected, right? Passed the glucose test at 26 weeks. I really think I must have a short torso because it feels like he's really low (read: have to use the ladies room constantly) and yet his feet are consistently in my right side and under my right ribs. Maybe I'm not recollecting accurately, but I swear he's feistier than Danny ever was! My little ninja...

Here the bump at 28 weeks!

Danny's POV...
He definitely "gets" that his baby brother is in my belly and usually confirms that notion by giving him a sweet kiss or two. We're also starting to read books about being a big brother. I'm trying to soak up every second I have with just him before our new, adorable little boy arrives. I have no doubt there will be some degree of jealousy and attention-starved behavior, but we'll make do...and Christmas will be right around the corner. Presents always help ;)

If you follow me on Pinterest, you can probably guess that I'm majorly craving sweets. But not just any sweets, but pastries. Like chocolate croissants, donuts, cakes, cupcakes, etc. You'd think with it being summer, it would be ice cream, but no. Lucky for us all, I don't bake daily desserts like I'd like to, but I pin them for future inspiration nonetheless. In the beginning of this pregnancy, I was craving random things from day-to-day like Hot Tamales candies one day and then deviled eggs the next - what in the world?? Now it's less actual cravings and more just being hungry all the time! Oh and lime and lemonade. Something about the tart is just irresistible!

I'm getting there! Fingers crossed for a safe and smooth third and final trimester!

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