Sunday, January 4, 2015

Crew at 2 Months (and I'm late again!)

I blame it on the holidays and of course not being overwhelmed with two kids and my job, but this two month photo shoot is over a week late! Crew actually turned 2 months old on Christmas Eve. Anyways, this past month has been eventful for little Crew or Crewberry, Crewton and all the other little nicknames we have for the little guy. He got his first sickness (sad), visited with a lot of family, got lots of presents, started smiling and baby talking, went on his first road trip, rolled over for the first time and started loving baths and being worn in the moby wrap. Phew! Alas, he continues to be a generally fussy baby - not super content despite being fed, changed and not tired - and doesn't really like the bouncy seat or swing (gasp!). Good thing is I'm confident he'll grow out of it by as soon as the next couple weeks and he'll be on his way to perfection! He was sleeping well at night, only waking at 2:30am and then again at about 5am (then goes back to sleep), but then last week he started waking up a bunch at night. Tightened the swaddle last night and we're back in business! He's still not a great napper though. Much to my disappointment, I read somewhere that 20 minutes actually constitutes a successful, not failed like I see it, nap. How am I suppose to get anything done with a mere 20 mins?!? Again, hopeful that he'll nap better as he gets older. I swear I'm not complaining - just documenting how it is. I happen to think he's the most beautiful baby ever born and his smile absolutely melts my heart. He's also one heck of a snuggle bug - gets right up in the crook of your neck and just settles in. Danny absolutely loves him too and is constantly hugging and kissing him. Happy 2 months!

Deer in headlights impersonation
About to roll
Go me!
Who said I was a difficult baby?!?!

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