Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Crew at 4 Months (1 week late)

We had friends in town for my birthday weekend (a celebration shared with our friend, Lindsay), so I'm a week behind on Crew's 4 month photo shoot and update. Now where to start?!? Crew is such an amazing little baby! If I had to sum him up in one word, it would be ACTIVE. He has been rolling from his back to his belly for about a month now and moves all over the place. He loves to "stand" like a little starfish and do what I refer to as the dolphin (you know when they're vertical out of the water and flap their flippers).

Speaking of aquatic animals, he loves baths and fearlessly tries to "swim" every time I give him one. Eek! It's a wet and adventurous endeavor. Let's see, what else? He's extremely ticklish under his chin and shrieks and belly laughs when we kiss him there. Eyes are still blueish, but looking like they could change after all. We'll see! He regressed a little on the sleep front (the 4 month sleep regression), but we're getting back on track. Definitely can stay awake longer during the day which is great except when he has to ride in the car and he's not tired. In those instances, he just screams bloody murder the whole time. He's sadly had a series of sniffles and coughs which I blame on germs from Danny's preschool, but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Speaking of Danny, he continues to hug and love on his baby brother. And he's quick to tell me to "pick him up" and "feed him" when he's fussy. Our pediatrician was booked up, so we don't see them for his 4 month well check until the end of March. I've been told he seems really long/tall, so I'll be curious to see how he measures. We love you Crew-berry!

Blue steel 

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