Saturday, September 17, 2016

Welcoming Kingston!

CONTINUED from here...

So after about 45 mins of waiting, we finally got a Triage room! Much to my surprise, however, the nurse in charge of checking me in said that I was still only 4cm and 80% and to admit me they like to see "cervical change", so she ordered me to walk the halls for an hour and then check back. Where was Dr. Carroll when I needed her?!? I only lasted 30 mins and the contractions were less than 3 mins apart and too painful to walk through, so the nurse pulled us back into the room and Dr. Carroll met us there to get me admitted! 

By the time we got into our Labor and Delivery room, I was in a lot of pain and I had to get at least a 1/2 a bag of IV fluids in before I could get an epidural. About 1 hour later the miracle man, a.k.a the anesthesiologist, arrived and while enduring multiple terrible contractions, got me hooked up to the good stuff! By the time the epidural took full effect, I was 8-9 cm, so no wonder I was in so much pain! At about 1am, I started feeling gushes of amniotic fluid. My water was broken, but the bag was still in tact, which was a good thing since I was still receiving antibiotics for Group B Strep. 

At about 2:30 or 2:45am Dr. Carroll broke my water and I started feeling the urge to push. It was go time! A couple pushes and at 3:07am he was here!

Meet Kingston Callahan O'Connor - 7 lbs 7 ounces and 20 inches long of pure sweetness!

I'd like to say that the tough end to this pregnancy and going through labor for the 3rd time would be enough for me say "I'm Done", but it isn't. The baby you get at the end is just too special! That said, here are some other shots from labor and delivery and his first day. Always amazes me how tired and sore you can be while simultaneously being the happiest person ever.

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