Sunday, January 15, 2017

Kingston at 4.5 Months

Yep, I've completely missed Kingston's 4 month birthday and he's now 4.5 months! Better late than never! Conveniently, we just went to the doctor and got his recent stats:

Height: 25 3/4 inches (70%)
Weight: 14.6 lbs (33%)
Head: 42.1 cm (36%)

Crazy that he's only 33% in weight because he looks and feels like such a beefcake. Grew almost 3 inches from his 2 month appointment, which made the nurse second guess her measurements. In terms of temperament, he continues to be the world's best baby. I literally have to pinch myself daily. And remember that he won't be this adorable baby forever...he too will grow up and probably start sassing me, but for now I'm just enjoying him so much. Sweet guy just smiles, whimpers a little when he's upset or hungry, voluntarily falls asleep in my arms at meetings, goes down for naps and at night easily, plays independently with his toys, etc.

In terms of milestones, he's just started rolling over back to belly this week and practiced it a couple times since. We did it gradually, but he's now unswaddled at night in a sleep sack. That coupled with the 4 month sleep regression has us up more in the nighttime than usual, but what are you going to do?!? Will probably hold off on unswaddling during naps for a couple more weeks. He's currently still in the co-sleeper next to my bed, but the pediatrician encouraged me to move him to the crib in his nursery to encourage him to sleep through the night. I guess at 4 months, the night wakenings are more about social interaction than calories/hunger. Makes sense, but interesting advice considering the American Academy of Pediatrics recent recommendation that babies sleep in the parent's room until 1 year old. Love you Kingston!

Can't stop. Won't stop smiling.

Flexing other facial and body muscles...

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