Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Sideways hat don't care
While getting Crew ready for bed the other day, I heard Jimmy in the other room say, "what Crew? Did you just say 'namaste'?" To which Crew said, "yes, I do yoga today" and then apparently showed him a special pose. He and Danny both take yoga at preschool. Such privileged little boogers!

Also cute was the day after the Super Bowl, Crew kept demanding he wanted something and I couldn't understand what he was saying. Fast forward a day, while looking over my shoulder while I nursed Kingston, he spotted a pic of Lady Gaga's Halftime Show and I realized he was saying, "I want Gaga". Yeah, her performance was that good!

He continues to have the most extreme emotions of anyone I've ever met. Aloof one second, super happy the next, very sensitive and crying the next. It's like a roller coaster with this one! Gets his feelings so easily hurt by Danny and hates to be scolded.

As I mentioned in Kingston's 5.5 month post, Crew basically smothers his baby brother 90% of the day!

Wakes up in his big boy bed in the morning after naps and calls for me to come get him and then the first thing out of his mouth is always, "carry my stuff" (read: his 15+ stuffed animals) and then "I want cereal". Food monster!

You're anything but easy-going, Crew, but you're so uniquely you and we love you to the moon and back!

Danny's a good big brother...most of the time
Fire fighting
With mommy at Sephora - said the models on the wall are "scary"

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