Saturday, February 18, 2017

Kingston at 5.5 Months

Kingston is well on his way to 6 months old (gasp), so it's time to give his latest month-by-month update! He continues to be just the best, most lovable baby in the world. And that's saying a lot, as we've already had two babies we loved so much. He just really is so chill and happy. Yay us! Okay, for the details... he's not fully sitting up yet, but doing it some assisted. Note to self to break out the Bumbo chair. I probably did that earlier with the other boys - oh well! He's a seasoned champ at the back-to-belly roll, but just started flipping the other way - belly-to-back. This is good because he gets tired on his belly and used to fuss until someone rolled him back over. But this is also bad because he sleeps like a CHAMP on his belly and now he rolls to his back at night and thinks it's time to play. Le sigh. Can't complain though because he really sleeps well otherwise. Like we're talking 7:30pm until I have to wake him up at 7:30am the next morning, so we can get the older boys to school on time. Can't remember if I mentioned this before, but he's a full on right thumb sucker, just like Danny! He begrudgingly took a paci to fall asleep during naps for a while, but always lost it mid-nap. So when he started randomly sucking his thumb during play time, I decided to start "offering" him the same thumb for naps and bedtime and it finally took! Now thumb-to-mouth is my cue that's he tired and ready to sleep. Danny and Crew both love him so much. Crew a little too much. Like I must say 50 times a day, "get out of his face", "don't smother him", "not his face", "don't yank him", "you're too much for him", etc. To which Crew says, "I be nice to Kingston" (Kingston comes out with a southern twang for some reason) and "Kingston funny" (read: Kingston thinks I'm funny, he's laughing).

Little "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" action
Doing his Supermans
Deep thoughts
Save me, mom!
After two other kids, I know it's up is teething (boo) and solid foods (yay).

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