Saturday, March 24, 2018

Bums, Bikes and Books

The boys love showering together! Jimmy usually does them in an "assembly line" and it can be chaos, but they actually do pretty well together when I just supervise from the outside. I think it's Danny and Crew's natural brotherly instinct kicking in...

It's a full moon!
Danny is loving riding his bike without training wheels. He could have obviously done it a while ago, but was just so into his scooter that we didn't even try. Now he's loving both and has even more options for burning some energy.

All my boys love books, which just warms my heart! Here are Crew and Kingston at our local library the other day...

Now on a sour note, we almost made it through flu season...until Crew fell down with Flu B. His teacher emailed that she tested positive and like clockwork, he woke up from his nap with a fever. But the next day, he was seemingly fine, just fussy, so it wasn't until 2 whiny days later that I finally took him in and poor guy tested positive. Luckily it was the B strain, which is less severe and short-lived, and so far no one else in our family has gotten it!

My small lap is not much of a quarantine zone
Oh and the Tarheels lost, taking them out of the 2018 NCAA tournament. Whomp whomp. We had fun pre-gaming and up until half time though...

Danny with his class mascot, Jose

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