Monday, January 21, 2019

Party of Six

It's been months since I last blogged. It's been on my ever growing, never reducing to-do list and just keeps getting bumped by work, the kids and the new house renovation. Have I even shared about that yet? I can't remember. Anyways, what better way to get back in the swing of things than by sharing the biggest thing to happen to the O'Connor family in the last 6 months... we're expecting baby BOY #4! So not "new news", as I'm actually 29 weeks today! But I'm going to slowly but surely play catch-up on our lives, pics, etc.

Found out in Early August
An early ultrasound

Did advanced maternal age genetic testing to ensure the little bambino was healthy, so we found out early on that "it" was a boy. Interestingly, he was the size of a matchbox car at the time, which was pretty fitting considering we're basically swimming in them at this point. I'd definitely be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed about losing the opportunity to have a daughter, but I've making peace with that and have since been focusing on the blessing that is having another adorable little boy! So baby boy #4 if you're reading this years from now, you were SO wanted and you ARE so loved...I might just have to crossdress you a time or two in your life ;)

The boys individually loving on me when I needed it most!

I don't have any good recent bump pics, but I do have this one selfie I sent to Kelly at 27 or 28 weeks. Definitely hanging out there! Feeling really good except for the pressure and tugs that are to be expected at this stage, especially when it's your fourth! I'll share some retroactive pics with other upcoming posts, but for now I just had to make little man's debut...or rather the news of him!

27 or 28 weeks?

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