Sunday, November 28, 2010


Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We certainly did, though we greatly missed seeing Colin and the O'Connor's this year. Can't wait for Christmas when we get to see siblings, moms, dads, grandparents and all. So here goes the marathon post. We got to Boone mid-afternoon on Wednesday and met my dad downtown to see his "new" law office and then we walked to a Boone classic for lunch - the old Boone Drug Store where there's still a soda shop counter just like the old days. We then drove to my mom's where we hung out and awaited Ali's arrival from Chapel Hill. A little Thanksgiving prep, a takeout pizza, lots of catching up and it was time to call it a night.

Thursday was, of course, lots of kitchen time and a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. Here's the girls taking a break from slaving away to look beautiful...

Friday consisted of some good Black Friday outlet shopping. I, not surprisingly, lasted way longer than Ali and Jimmy, so I had to meet them later at our next engagement - dinner and recuperating at my dad's. Lazy boy...

Saturday we went on a great hike where we scaled a good portion of Grandfather Mountain. It was about 20 something degrees with 20 mph winds, but we bundled up and climbing such intense elevation definitely helped keep us warm as well...

Saturday night, mom joined us for yummy lasagna and Cranium at dad's...

It was seriously such a great Thanksgiving. Riding in the back of an old pick-up truck is so much cooler than the boring ol' Accord. When can we go back to Boone?


In other news, Happy Birthday to the one and only, Martha, Momma O'C, O'Connor! 

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