Tuesday, December 6, 2011

CB Thanksgiving & Mom Gets a Year Younger

This past weekend Jimmy and I hosted a Heintzelman Thanksgiving in CB. I took off work on Friday to help prepare for the big meal Friday evening. My dad and I met Ali and my mom out for breakfast, we went for a beach walk and then we came back to my house to start cooking. Food was on the table when Jimmy got home. Per usual, everything was delicious!

After dinner we quickly cleaned up and walked to "downtown" CB to watch the Christmas parade. It's pretty silly. Along with typical parade floats, there are just average cars decorated with lights and even average cars NOT decorated with lights. We think the latter were just ol' grannies stuck "in traffic" on their way to the grocery store.

Awesome reindeer truck
Festive float

Saturday my dad and Ali helped Jimmy and I decorate our tree (pics to come!) and then we went over to my mom's to watch the CB flotilla. If the parade is silly, the flotilla is just down right lame.  There were maybe 7 boats spaced 10 minutes apart, most of which weren't even that well decorated. Oh well! We'll know next year not to get excited...or to go to Wrightsville Beach the weekend before to see their more reputable flotilla. We then ended the evening with dinner at Indochine. Of all the times my dad has been here, he'd never been there so we thought it was about time. 

Last, but certainly not least, Sunday - my mom's birthday - was spent picking up our house a little and then it was over to my mom's to help her decorate her tree and cook her dinner. My mom's friend got her a really nice bottle of pinot noir. That was the first time I have pined for a glass of wine in my pregnancy so far. You're beyond worth it, baby...

Not a great pic, but dinner and company was great! Jimmy and I apparently felt the need to represent our alma mater on the left side of the table.

I love how she does the red, white and silver on her tree...

Happy Happy Birthday Momma! We love you!

Just a sweet pic of Malloy to end this post. He loves to sit on my lap in this chair, but I had never seen him just crawl up there to sit by himself before. Look at that perm on top of this head!

1 comment:

  1. The Wrightville beach Floatilla was about the same. There were 2 really good boats...one that was SpongeBob Squarepants and another that was a trolley car. The rest were lame. The fireworks, which took forever to start, were not bad and we thought they were never going to end!
