Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's a Boy!!

Yay! The news is finally public. Our anatomy ultrasound last Wednesday revealed Baby O is a little boy and we couldn't be more thrilled. I have a lot of respect for people who wait to find out the sex. It was hard to wait to 18 weeks - I can't imagine waiting another 22 weeks! Now I can officially start planning for the nursery and registry.

Money shot - embarrassing for teenage Baby O, but I can't help myself...

We told my family I was pregnant in person, so I really wanted to make the gender reveal fun for Jimmy's family. Both sides of the family have Christmas traditions that I could easily adapt, so that's what we did. 

Jimmy's Mom's House/Mom, Kelly, Spencer &  Kevin Reveal
Martha's tradition is hiding a pickle ornament for us "kids" to claw at each other to find. The person who finds the pickle, gets an extra gift. For our spin on her game, we hid an ornament that said "It's a Boy". I  kind of think Martha cheated and knew where it was because she mysteriously dropped bottom left awfully fast...

Jimmy's Dad's House/Dad, Marisol & O'Connor Extended Family Reveal
The O'Connor tradition consists of a big dinner and the "Grab Bag" game, aka Dirty Santa, White Elephant, etc. It's always a hoot with all the aunts, uncles and cousins. Well for a twist, we wrapped up an envelope containing the baby's gender with one of our gifts from the $5 bin at Walmart - the movie Babe. I secretly pointed out "the" package to Kevin, Kelly and Spencer, so they could let someone else open it and make the big reveal. Well, the game lasted so long that Kevin forgot which one "the" package was - thankfully he made quite a production out of it for everyone.

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