Wednesday, June 27, 2012

C is for Croup

Sadly little Danny has come down with a mild case of croup. And because of his age, we had to be admitted to the hospital yesterday for precautionary measures. Lucky for us, he's such a bruiser and, despite for the characteristic "barking" cough when he cried, his symptoms really were mild. No fever or respiratory distress. Though staying overnight in the hospital was exhausting for us all, we're thankful for the precautions taken by our pediatrician and we're happy to say that he's on the mend!

Mommy was going a little stir crazy, so I must have taken 20 pictures of our stay. This one makes me so sad. For one, a baby in the hospital is always heartbreaking. Second of all, he looks more like a little boy than my 5 week old baby.


  1. Whoa did the meds make his hair grow?? Look at all that brown hair like his daddy! So glad he's feeling better. Hope you all get some time to rest. We'll miss you in Bethany Beach!

  2. This is so sad!!!! I'm so glad he is feeling better!
