Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Danny at 1 Month

Still wearing his wet diaper to keep him happy (see below)
I can't believe it's been a month! It feels like May 20th was yesterday. Words can not express how much Jimmy and I love our little guy. We're in complete awe of him. He's such an amazing baby - much easier than a lot of other newborns (from what we've heard and read). At one month, he's starting to get super animated, looking around and making faces. He's been super alert since birth, but increasingly so every day. Below are some other tidbits about Danny at one month...

Weight: 8.4 lbs (Mine and Danny's weight minus my weight on our crappy scale at home)

Likes: Rocking in the rocking chair on the porch with anyone who will hold him, walks (in his stroller and in arms), his swing with music or crickets on, the kangaroo hold on daddy, tummy-to-tummy hold with mommy, (most of) Nana's singing, BATHS!, his adoring family.

Dislikes: Diaper changes, getting dressed (especially putting on pants), car rides, getting out of the bath.

The only paci he'll take (though begrudingly at first)...

Sleeping: Can't complain a bit. As a newborn, he obviously sleeps a lot, getting in little naps all day. Mommy takes at least one nap most days as well. At night he sleeps for 3 to 5 1/2 hour stretches. A typical night goes something like this - put him in his crib at 10, sleep until 3 am, go back down at 3:45 and sleep until around 6am. One of the cutest things Danny does is squeaks and smiles when he first falls asleep like someone just told him a joke in his dreams.

Eating: I'm very happy to say that nursing is going well. I'm confident he is getting what he needs and I'm enjoying the bond. He eats every two to four hours depending. All is well on the feeding front!

Just hanging (with the hiccups) in my Nap Nanny content as can be...

Practicing our photo shoot. Sorry Danny!

Mommy and Daddy love you so much Danny!

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