Friday, July 20, 2012

Danny at 2 Months

Happy 2 months sweet boy! What a difference a month makes! Danny has gotten so fun - super smiley, animated and just perfect in every way. According to Wonder Weeks iphone app, Danny is going through a brain leap right now where he's starting to understand "patterns". Essentially this means he's starting to "get" things like that he has control over his hands, which he immediately has started bringing to his mouth, he follows sounds, etc. Most special, however, is how my voice/singing alone can soothe him. If he wakes up from a nap or is playing by himself in his bouncy chair and starts to cry, I no longer have to pick him up to soothe him. He looks at me and listens to my beautiful (yeah right) singing and calms down. Below are some other tidbits about Danny at 2 months...

Weight: Approximately 11 lbs

Likes: Being held facing out, songs that have repetition like Miss Mary Mack and Wheels on the Bus, his new vibrating bouncy seat, swing, some toys and still adores baths.

Loves his swing just as much as he did on day 3
Dislikes: Being in his car seat (especially when we're not moving) and starting to fight the swaddle a little (especially during the day).

Occasional "arms out" for this guy
Sleeping: We're getting up to 6 hour stretches at night now! I'm really working on the "training" in hopes that Danny is one of those babies that starts sleeping through the night early on. Napping was more of a challenge - he'd only sleep in his swing - but just this week we've successfully had a few good naps in his crib. During naps and at night he has little outbursts of crying, but then puts himself back to sleep - SUCCESS!
Visual evidence
Eating: Nursing still going great. He's also taken a couple Tommee Tippee  bottles of breast milk just to break him in to the idea.

Muffin top
Blowing bubbles

We love you more and more every day Danny boy...

1 comment:

  1. Precious!!!! Congrats on the sleeping. Maybe you can teach my kids.
