Thursday, July 9, 2015

San Fran Trip: Part 1

At the end of June we headed to the San Fran area for Kevin and Stef's wedding and I have to say it was an extremely smooth and productive trip for our little family of 4! Here's how it went...

Wednesday, June 24th my mom arrived at our house at 3:30am to take us to the airport. She had worked until midnight that night - bless her for helping us out! Both kids were surprisingly okay with the early wake-up and we made it to Charlotte no problem for our connecting flight to San Fran. Not surprisingly, Danny loved all the airport transports, planes, shuttles, moving sidewalks, etc. Danny and Crew were so tired that they both slept the majority of our 4.5 hour flight. Jimmy and I watched one and half movies. It was strangely relaxing. When we arrived it was about 11am California time (2pm eastern time). We got the shuttle to pick up our rental car and then we were off!

Mining for M&Ms in the trail mix

To make the most out of our day, we decided to drive south to Big Basin National Park to see some redwoods. Not too far mile-wise, it was, however, pretty hard to get to with super windy roads most of the way. Danny started looking a little pale and was kind of whiny, but we eventually made it and it was SO WORTH IT!

Inside a giant redwood

On our way out of the park and up to Kevin and Stef's place for the night, the windy roads finally got to poor Danny and he barfed all over himself and the rented carseat. It was the first time he's ever gotten sick like that and it was so sad. He didn't know what was going on - just kept saying, "I want to go to Uncle Kevin's house, I want to go to Uncle Kevin's house." We got cleaned up when we got to Kevin and Stef's and managed to stay awake until about 8pm before calling it a night.

Post barf - stripped to his undies
Making himself at home on Kevin and Stef's bed
Thursday we managed to make it to Golden Gate Park in the city where me and the boys met Shiva at a park and Jimmy and Kevin played disc golf. And then we swapped the kids and I went out to lunch with Shiva at great restaurant called Burma Superstar. Next we met Dan, Marisol, Kelly and Connor at this beautiful overlook spot, had an early dinner in Sausalito and then headed up to Fairfax where we were staying for the wedding weekend.

The humble abode
Friday we did Muir Woods and saw some more incredible redwoods and then met Martha and Ron for lunch at a cute place across the street from our motel. Friday evening was the rehearsal and a wonderful rehearsal dinner where thankfully we had the whole restaurant to ourselves. A bunch of people were going out afterwards and Martha and Ron offered to watch the kiddos, so Jimmy and I got to go too. I played flip cup for the first time in I don't know how many years.

Hunting imaginary animals
Martha and Ron entertaining the kiddos

Deep conversations
Flip cup - get it, bride!
Stef + Jess

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