Saturday, July 2, 2016

Crew's a Character

Being a parent is such a bittersweet mix of emotions. Thinking so longingly to when your kids were younger, loving the little people they are now and looking so forward to the future - all these feelings simultaneously is craziness! That said, I just can't get enough of the character Crew has become. I've mentioned this before, but he loves hats, glasses, etc. He's extremely defiant, but a lot of the time it's pretty cute. His latest is whenever you ask him to do something he doesn't want to do, e.g. go to bed, get his diaper changed, etc, he drops to his belly on the floor and says, "I sim" (swim) as he pretends to paddle in water. Like maybe if I look occupied, she'll let it go. Silly Crew. He also likes to point and ask, "what's that?" and then when you tell him, he just says "no". He says "no" to most everything, but can't pronounce "yes" yet so instead he just nods with his whole body when he's in agreement. Let's see, what else...

He's obsessed with bugs. Points to crumbs and other non-bugs on the floor and ground and says, "see bug"...about a 100 times a day. Recognizes lots of different objects and animals in books and says both "hi" and "bye" before we turn the pages. Yells "Daannnny" when his big brother picks on him, but, let's face it, it's the other way around most of the time. Crew tackles and double-legs Danny multiple times a day - definitely stands up for himself. Other cute things he says and does:
  • Pointing out daddy's, mama's, Nana's, Papa's different "trucks" (his generic term for a car), but it sounds more like "schmuck" starting with an "s". 
  • Recognizes when there is more than 1 of something, could be 2 or 40, and says, e.g. "two weeshes" (translation: two fishes)
  • Breaks out his signature move, the wrist twist, whenever music comes on and says "I dance" 
  • He's really into hiding and peek-a-boo and likes to say "see me" before he reveals himself
  • Calls his lovie that he sleeps with "baby"
  • Likes being chased and motions with his hands like "I'm going to get you" to entice you to come after him
If I could bottle you up, Crew, I would. Love you to the moon and back!

Leading a little yoga session
Eyes shut for a present from Grandma and Grandpa Ron
I swim

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