Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kelly's Bridal Shower Weekend

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was a whirlwind, but very fun. Friday night Jimmy and I drove up to Maryland. Saturday Jimmy hung out with this dad and Kevin, while all the ladies ventured into Baltimore for Kelly's Bridal Shower. The maid-of-honor and best friend of the bride hosted the event and I must say she did a wonderful job. The theme was wine and cheese party, so everyone brought a bottle or two. Of course with that much wine drinking to be had, the party couldn't end when all the presents were unwrapped. We ended up going out after the shower was techinically over to a fun Mexican restaurant and a popular Baltimore bar before heading back to Shea's place. It was a short trip, but so worth it to see everyone and celebrate with Kelly. Can't wait for the wedding in a month and 3 days!

The super cute cake modeled after the shower invitations:

The yummy spread:

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun weekend! I miss you!!!!!! Can you go back up to Baltimore for Easter????
