Sunday, March 28, 2010

Not Yet and 2010 First

Saturday I picked up Miss Bailey Lea for my long anticipated one-on-one 24 hours with the little bug. We had a wonderful time together, but I must say, I never knew having a baby was so tiring. Until now, I was that girl that questioned why moms ended up on TLC's "What Not to Wear" in their husband's flannel without any hair style or make-up. Two hours into our visit, I had spit up on me, which I regretted to clean-up or get rid of by changing into fresh clothes - who has time? About 2.5 seconds after I brought Bailey into our home, I put my hair in a ponytail. Why style your hair when you should be living in fear that your baby is going to rip it out the very first chance they get? Did you know that babies eat every three hours and between feedings they need their wet, or even worse dirty, diapers changed?? My baby fever pre-Bailey visit was a dangerous, in need of an ice bath, 104 plus. Now, I'm coasting at a luke warm 100.4, still dying to be a mommy, but super happy to be a newlywed with no one to worry about but me, Jimmy and Malloy.

Lauren dressed Bailey in a shirt that said, "Kiss me for good luck." This is me putting her to sleep with her dinner bottle. Dang it. Lauren said to keep her on a schedule. No wonder she woke up at 4:30AM.

God heard my prayers and put Bailey to sleep after her 5:30AM bottle so I could make myself some much needed coffee. How can something so small wreak so much havoc on our house?

Bailey sitting up in her boppy and ducky pajamas - note the feet. So cute.

Sunday I turned in Bailey for a long afternoon nap and a night out with Jimmy. We rode our bikes to the Tiki Bar for dinner and drinks - a first for 2010. Despite the fact that I am enjoying the "me" time, I must admit that I miss her warm body and smiles ;)


  1. Oh my goodness! I am so jealous - Bailey is adorable, and those jammies...

  2. This is hilarious. Yes- babies are tiring but SO WORTH IT! But it's true- Lucy is totally bulemic and throws up on me pretty much every 10 minutes, and she actually eats every 2 HOURS start to start- so it's pretty nonstop. I swear though it's the best thing ever. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
