Sunday, November 13, 2011


I spent the weekend in Durham, NC with best friends from college, Lindsey and Catherine. We stayed up until 1am each night chatting, something only made possible by my 2nd trimester status. We ate good.  Catherine and I both thoroughly enjoyed playing with and cuddling with Lindsey and Nick's adorable son, Henry. It was an all around wonderful weekend!

Saturday we had some of Lindsey's friends and some of Catherine's friends over to Lindsey's house for "babypalooza". There were three babies under the age of one and three pregnant women: me at 12 weeks, Margaret at 27 weeks and Elizabeth at 38 weeks. There were birth stories and tons of advice shared. I soaked it up like a sponge.

Sans Baby Henry - He was napping
As always, thanks Lindsey & Nick for being such gracious hosts - I think chocolate chip pancakes are on my new craving list.


  1. Holy cow! You all are a fertile bunch!

  2. Henry is such a handsome baby, he could be a gerber baby. Catherine better get to baby-making soon!!
