Monday, November 14, 2011

New Meaning to the phrase "Mom Jeans"

My first time trying on maternity jeans...A very sweet co-worker of mine had a hand-me-down pair that didn't fit her, so she graciously offered them to me. The verdict: Ick. Let's just say I refuse to let my butt and thighs fill out these suckers. The pockets come halfway down the back of my leg. And yes, I just took a picture of my butt and posted it on the internet.

When the time comes, I vow to get a cute, normal rump shaped pair of maternity jeans!


  1. Gap Maternity has good ones. Just buy your regular jean size and they should fit you through most if all of your pregnancy. I'll send you some of my less frumpy wear once this nugget comes out if you want it. xoxoxo

  2. I thought they would be big on you!! My cousin who gave me those is built a lot different than you are! I have gotten mine from Old Navy and Clothes Mentor.

  3. I'll bring you my're not going to even need maternity jeans...don't waste your $$
