Wednesday, March 21, 2012

31 Weeks Wednesday

Loving my pregnancy at 31 weeks and this warm weather we've been having. Life is good! Dinner and Lamaze tonight with Jimmy - the interim "dinner and a movie" date for us. Lamaze class coupled with my friend Elizabeth's recent birth has really gotten me thinking about THE big day or (sigh) days. Statistics suggest I have at least 9, but realistically 10 or even 11, more weeks left to go, but I've already started mentally preparing. One thing I'm definitely going to spend some time on is an "action plan" for Jimmy. Communication is always essential in a marriage, but during times of stress, like child birth, it's especially important. I don't want to bore anyone further, but just know that I'm going to do my best to give Jimmy the insight and tools he needs to be there for me in all the ways I need him to at least one of us will kind of know what we're doing.

I went by the doc to pick up some paperwork, so I took advantage of the private loo to snap a picture. Here's me at 31 weeks. Big ol' bare belly shot coming next week.

In other news, I've been drudging through a book for over a month and I'm just sick of it. I need some reading pleasure in my life, so I'm taking The Hunger Games plunge. I'm so excited!


  1. How have you not read The Hunger Games yet? I want to discuss as soon as you've started. I'm so jealous of your cute pregnancy- you just blossom by the day. I just got fat, frumpy and cranky. But oh my the babies are worth it!

  2. Say goodbye to your weekend!!! HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!

  3. Shiva is right! I read the entire triology in one weekend! SO good! Now trying to play the pregnancy card to get Jeff to take me to see the movie!
