Wednesday, March 28, 2012

32 Weeks Wednesday (Belly Shot)

32 weeks aka 7 months aka the home stretch as far as I am concerned. Without further adieu, the belly...

I didn't want to say anything on the blog until I knew the verdict, but at my 30 week doctor's appointment they ordered a size and date ultrasound because I was measuring a little smaller than expected. Jimmy and I went yesterday and Baby O is in the 48% percentile for 32 weeks - "perfectly average" per the doctor. Obviously only in size and weight and not in brains and brawn though. Amniotic fluid levels are also great. I guess I'm just keeping him sucked in ever so slightly at this point, but we're still on track for an estimated due date of May 23rd.

Here's a 3D image of our little boog. Don't mind the "hook" or "hoof" next to his nose. He was hiding behind his hands and moving at the same time, so we have some funky blurring going on. He got minimal camera time, but we did see him making a sucking motion with his mouth, stick out his tongue and get a bout of hiccups. Pretty cool to see his stomach pulse on the screen while feeling it in my belly at the same time. Ultrasound tech confirmed he has a head of hair and "quite some cheeks on him" (face, not butt). I, of course, already think he's just the most handsome, chubby cheeked, kissable guy around...


  1. That picture makes me all weepy, I'm so excited! He's a looker already!! I can't wait to hold and kiss him!

  2. You are such a tiny cute pregnant person! I can't stand it!

  3. Love love love him already!!! And I second Amie's're looking were made to have babies:)
