Wednesday, March 14, 2012

30 Weeks Wednesday

Can't believe we've already hit the 3-0 mark and in two weeks we'll only have two months (give or take) to go until we meet our little man. I bet he's going to be a spitting image of baby Jimmy. No doubt about it - he'll definitely love the ocean as much as his daddy.

Let's see, what did we do this week? Auntie Ali came to visit which was very fun. We had a good dinner at my mom's on Sunday and then a girls v. boys Trivial Pursuit match-up. The girls, of course, won. Ali came over for dinner at our house on Monday and then Tuesday night this happened...

So nice to see my baby sister and let her feel her little nephew.

Today's been a busy day with a OB check-up this afternoon and the first Lamaze class tonight. I really liked the doctor I saw today and so, apparently, did baby O as he was showing off his acrobatics throughout the entire exam. According to the doc, he's head down on his side - back to my left and knees/feet to my right. Explains the incessant right rib pain. Glad to know he's facing the right way. Oh and I can forgive the right rib pain - I just love him to pieces already.


  1. We need more belly profiles!!!

  2. Thank you so much for everything these past couple days. I love being in blog posts aka love spending time with you! Can't wait to hear about Lamaze
