Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Danny Calls the Election

Of course I kid, but I swear he babbles "Obama" when filming a video yesterday for his Auntie Shiva in San Fran. Check it out!

P.S. I was having technical difficulties this morning, so if you get email alerts and you got multiples, I'm sorry!


  1. Danny,

    Daddy does not approve of this message. We're only six months in and you're already throwing me curve balls. But its all good now, Daddy's headed down to the state office this morning to see how we can get on the gravy train.

  2. Let me say this message lets me know he has come from great stock!!!!!!! Love you all.. PS Jim will take your applications!!!

  3. Haha...he's totally saying Obama...get that kid away from all those commercials. Seriously I bet he's trying to say Momma:)

  4. OH my gosh! This is too funny. I showed my family at dinner the other night, and we were all cracking up! You have a future politician on your hands ;)
