Monday, June 7, 2010

A Girl's Best Friend

I'm very excited about the new addition to my household. Its name is Gentle Leader and it's my new best friend. As you all know, we have a dog named Malloy. He's a big love, a 90 lb lap dog, but he has always been a terror to walk. Very energetic + very strong + cat, squirrel or leaf blowing in the wind = potential limb loss.

The Gentle Leader is a collar/leash that goes around his nose and keeps him from pulling. Something about needing to draw strength from his head, instead of his neck and body has whipped him into shape. Other dogs barking at us from their porches? How immature. Stray cats? Neighborhood riffraff. Me and my momma are taking a nice walking together. Lovin' the quality time, though wish Jimmy didn't have school and could join more often...

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