Sunday, June 13, 2010


So I had a great weekend in Charlotte visiting with my old college roomies. So happy to have had that time together and getting to meet Shiva's boyfriend, Brian. We had a blast - just like old times. Here's some pics from the weekend. But first, some items of note...

1. We can still last through last call at the bar
2. Wine spritzers are not just for old ladies - they're actually a really refreshing (and addicting) summer drink
3. I got to meet the blogger behind "Bakin' and Eggs"- for some reason I feel like the blogs I read that were not created by current friends, are written by celebrities or something, but they're actually just normal people like you and me.
4. I'm insanely good at the game "Scene It". I think, in large part, this is because I have a grandma and a brother that are movie buffs.

Hope everyone has a great start to the week tomorrow!


  1. Kaylie - it was great meeting you last weekend at the cookout! So glad you had a fun trip to Charlotte.

  2. Thanks Jenn! It was very nice to meet you too. I'm now an avid Bakin and Eggs and Peanut Butter Runner reader ;)
