Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sandwich Hiatus

For months now, ever since Jimmy started working at Castle Branch, we've enjoyed a packed "school" lunch together in the breakroom - Pam and Jim style - but I decided today that I can't take it anymore. Sandwich + low fat string cheese + sugar free pudding = Booooorrrinnnnggg. For my own sanity and overall work performance, I need to crave lunch again. Here are some of recipes I'm considering for lunches next week.

Bacon & Leek Quiche, don't mind if I do...

Candied Walnut Salad, yes please...

This Tandori Chicken on a Pita looks like another great alternate to the traditional sammie...

While I'm mixing up our routine, maybe we should try our own rendition of the overnight oats I first heard about on Peanut Butter Runner for breakfast. Yummy...

1 comment:

  1. Yums!!! They all look good to me! Love you two eating Pam and Jim style ps.
