Thursday, January 5, 2012

20 Weeks Wednesday (Belly Shot)

Yes, I know it's Thursday. I'm late again! Can't believe I'm already 20 weeks - half way there. Still feeling really good, though I have a serious weakness for chocolate milkshakes, preferably alongside some french fries.

Every once in a while I touch my belly and hit an "extra hard spot" kind of jutting out which I think is him probably balled up. I don't think his head or butt is big enough to jut out yet. I am no longer feeling the subtle flutters so much as more noticeable movements, but they're really infrequent. I hope this is a sign of in utero laziness and not that something is wrong. 

Let's see...other updates...I'm working on designing the nursery and selecting registry items which is beyond fun. Our little man is already too cool for school. Now, without further delay... the 20 weeks belly shots!

But first, for comparison purposes, me at 5 weeks...

*Warning: There must be some kind of law against flashing pictures of your bare belly on the Net after 2 Thanksgivings and 4 Christmases. Good thing I'm pregnant and the rules don't apply to me:)

Jimmy's shot - I don't think the angle does the bump justice. Or maybe I was just inadvertently sucking in...

A couple self-portraits experimenting with angles to capture the "curvature" of the bump. I'm really working it with the sideways twist in the second picture.

My sis-in-law finds my "headless horseman" shots strange, so this one's for you, Kel! Peek-a-boo!


  1. Ugh. I'm so jealous of your cute dainty little pregnancy bump. I was a whale from week 2. So cute.

  2. Haha thanks for the shout out and your pretty face. You're looking amazing at 20 weeks!

  3. Hi Kaylie, This may be a little stalker-esque, but I found your blog through Amie's and saw that you are expecting - so exciting! Just wanted to send my congratulations and good luck for the wonderful adventure!
