Wednesday, January 11, 2012

21 Weeks Wednesday

This has been another exciting week, as I'm sure every week from here on out will be. I continue to feel "bigger" every day which is exciting to me. I ask Jimmy to "Look!" as I turn to the side every other second.

I had a meeting in Ohio on Monday and hadn't worn my business suit since December. It wasn't quite Tommy Boy "fat guy in a little coat", but pretty snug nonetheless. The 24th week picture should be a doozie.

Professional Prego
In other news, apparently baby O is nocturnal because he is most active when I finally lay down at night. I'm also getting the feeling that he continues to be on the big side (remember he was 84th percentile in our 19 week ultrasound) because his movements are intense. Laying in bed Tuesday night, Jimmy had his hand on my belly and I had my hand on top pressing down a bit and we both felt the kick or whatever it was from the outside. Plain as day.

Mommy readers - are those movements in my lower belly something else? Is 21 weeks too soon to feel baby O from the outside?

1 comment:

  1. Totally normal! Wyatt was a complete alien in my belly early on. And they often sleep all day as you are more active- rocking them to sleep. Both my babes kept me up all night with their activity. It's super fun trying to switch their clocks after their born. We are still working on Lucy.
