Sunday, May 22, 2011

May Showers

This weekend started by taking my sister and brother out on the town. Though I'm getting a little sick of these joints, it was my mom's request that I take them to Satellite for a quick beer and then Indochine.  My mom got off work a little early, so she was able to join us for dinner at about 9:15...

Saturday I went to the beach with the fam while Jimmy went fishing (pics and a recap of his trip to come) and then we went to a Couple's Shower for Jake & Martine. The food spread and company was great...

Here's Jake practicing feeding Martine wedding cake:

Here's the couple playing the "see-how-well-you-know-each-other" game - Who's a better driver?

Jimmy and I after our turn in the game hot seat - showing people how it's done...

So excited for Jake and Martine's wedding in a month and, of course, to see the Lucas Family!!

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