Monday, May 2, 2011

You have a a bar?

Not hardly. It was a smoke-free restaurant and the baby I speak of spent the evening snoozing away in his little car seat at his daddy's side. I just always liked that line from the movie "Sweet Home Alabama". Anyways, Friday night I met Shiva, Shiva's boyfriend, Brian, Catherine, Lindsey, Nick and baby Henry at Top of the Hill in Chapel Hill for dinner. It was such fun to have the roomies back together and to have the addition of a little one there. You can tell where my focus was though considering this is the only picture I have of dinner.

Friday night, we, minus mom, dad and the baby, went out to a few places in Chapel Hill.  I'm happy to say, we've still got it! My sister was bartending at La Rez, but was able to get off early to hang out with us too, but not before I got a behind-the-bar photo op...

Saturday I spent the entire day at Lindsey's snuggling with Henry and watching the Royal Wedding coverage I missed on Friday. Lindsey and Nick graciously let me coddle Henry and hold him as he napped. I was in 7th heaven. He's seriously such a sweet baby and Nick and Lindsey are such wonderful new parents!

Saturday night I took it easy back in Wilmington and then it was a beach day and delicious "summer" feast with Ali, Jimmy, my mom and Ali's friends on Sunday. Ovenfried chicken, potato salad, baked beans and deviled eggs. I was too hungry to pause for a picture, but trust me it was delicious!

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