Wednesday, May 2, 2012

37 Weeks Wednesday - FULL TERM

It's just crazy, crazy, crazy to think that I'm officially full term today. On the one hand, the time has flown by. On the other hand, it seems like it was ages ago that Jimmy and I were in Charleston celebrating our 2 year anniversary and finding out we were expecting our first baby. Needless to say, it's been a very special time!

No new or different symptoms for this week - just feeling "full" of baby. I went to the doctor on Monday and I'm 1 cm dilated, cervix is starting to thin and baby's head is very as low as it can possibly go until I dilate more. Doc says that's good for the labor process, but it also means that I shouldn't expect any diaphragm/lungs relief from the baby dropping in the last couple weeks. Poor guy has no where to go but out at this point, so that's just what my belly will do. As all mommas know, the cervix observations don't mean anything as far as when exactly labor will happen, just that my body is preparing for labor sometime in the future. I know I'll feel differently when I see my due date come...and go...but right now I'm glad that most first time moms don't go early because I still feel like I have a lot to do. I won't overwhelm you with my mammoth list, but, for starters, the nursery is a wreck. I've organized everything into piles, but I've yet to put anything in it's place.

One of many said piles
As a side note, I don't know why I have continued to single out my every 4 week posts as ones with "Belly Shots", when I showcase the tummy growth all the time. Oh well - maybe I'll apply more rhyme and reason next go round. Anywho, here she blows...sporting an outie... at 37 weeks.

And, yes, I know I where these pj shorts all the time

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