Wednesday, February 22, 2012

27 Weeks Wednesday

Maybe it's weird that I share so much personal info with the world wide web, but I'm not keeping track of my pregnancy experiences anywhere else and I want it documented for Baby O, so TMI or not, details you'll get!

27 weeks is a special one in that it's also my birthday week! Woo hoo! My last one as just me, not me as a mommy. So exciting! I haven't talked about cravings much lately, so I thought I'd spend this post documenting what the belly wants these days. 

Constant Cravings (started in the first trimester): peanut butter, apples, oranges, french fries, fruity & chewy candy (think Starbursts)
New Cravings: cinnamon raisin bread (one whiff in the breakroom at work this week and I HAD to have some!), coconut (think Girl Scout samosas, Almond Joys and the cake below from Indochine), chicken salad (friend at work had some for lunch and now I want some...BAD)

I want you as my birthday cake
Movement has gotten very intense. It's extremely distracting at times and, of course, very fun. Feels like he's throwing elbows in there. I've also felt some daily "kicks" in my lower obliques, near my hip bones almost, that give me the chills. Those ones feel sooo strange! The right rib pain persists and continues to be annoying all day and usually pretty painful in the evenings. I really can't complain though, and I don't want to anyways, because I know it only gets more uncomfortable from here on out. So I just focus on how good I've had it thus far. Now without further adieu, a quick shot from this morning...

I finally "get" the pregnant pose - must have in this shapeless maxi dress


  1. Presh!! I hope you got some chicken salad today...

  2. I love seeing you do the pregnancy pose!

  3. Love all the updates & the pregnancy pose! You look GORGEOUS mama!
