Friday, February 17, 2012


Here's an update from my routine check-up this morning.
  • My blood pressure and iron and baby O's heartbeat are "perfect" - the swooshing sound will never get old.
  • Fundus is measuring 26 cm - right on track.
  • Pain under my right rib cage is just muscular soreness from expansion. Nothing I can do about it besides take regular strength Tylenol.
  • Passed the glucose test with flying colors! Note: the glucola doesn't taste that bad, but the spike and then drop-off in blood sugar did made me feel pretty awful. 
  • Triple confirmed that my exercise routine is healthy for both of us. In fact, doctor said he "loves" that I'm still doing interval running (since I ran prior to pregnancy) and doing pregnancy-friendly abs. Just supposed to keep workouts to less than an hour, drink plenty of water and don't exert myself to the point of not being able to talk/catch my breath. We'll see how it goes as I move into the 3rd trimester...
And because what's a post without a picture, here's me quickly sneaking an awkward shot in the bathroom at work. Not great, but it's something...

Happy Friday!

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