Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I'm blogging a little out of order here considering I haven't done my usual weekend update yet. I've been too lazy to download my pictures. Lame, I know.

Anyways, tonight will be a first. As I mentioned before, Amie challenged me to make a curry dish this month and a curry dish I will make! Two weeks ago Jimmy and I tried a new Thai place in Carolina Beach and it was there that I decided it was definitely green curry that's my favorite.

Authentic ethnic dishes are great, but I'm always a little wary of spending more money at the grocery store to make a dish at home than it would cost to have a restaurant make it for you. So I found this Tyler Florence Green Curry Chicken recipe that I thought was a good middle ground between a dumbed down Rachel Ray rendition (yummo?) and a bazillion rare ingredients version.

Pictures and taste test reviews to come later. Is it bad that I'm already hungry for dinner and it's only 8:45am?


  1. Um- did I tell you that I got that Tyler Florence cookbook? I'm thrilled. That and your curtains. I'm basically trying to BE Kaylie O'Connor.

  2. Yay! You are so funny. No, you didn't tell me you got the cookbook. Let me know what you make out of it. Oh and to hell with Jimmy not liking shrimp, I want that curry shrimp soup recipe!
