Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Midweek Weekend Update

A little late for an update, but this past weekend we had Kelly, Spencer, Kevin and Stefanie in town to go out fishing with Captain Mark Gorges and let me tell you, boating is exhausting! We took it easy Friday night, the boys went surfing, the girls just chatted and then we had dinner. We went to bed pretty early because we had to get up by 6am to head to Wrightsville Beach to catch the boat. Saturday we kicked things off right with double doses of Dramamine (1 hour prior) and mimosas on the dock. Note: Anti-motion sickness medicine + even a drop of alcohol = near narcolepsy.  

Then we headed maybe 5 miles off the coast for a little fishing. We got a couple fish on the line, but only actually got one, about 3ft shark (not pictured) on the boat. I'll have to ask Kelly for the Flip video footage. A couple cute shots, including Kelly kissing the bait fish for good luck...

Next the captain brought us up the Intracoastal Waterway to a cute place on the docks called the Fish House for lunch. We then finished out our day on the boat by dropping the anchor at Masonboro Island for some relaxation in the sun. Like every day at Mase, we were not the only ones...

We all remained awake through dinner at the Deck House in Carolina Beach that evening, but it was at the Fat Pelican that we started loosing people (ahem, Stefanie)... Sunday was brunch at Havana's and then the crew had to head back to Virginia Beach. What an amazing, wonderful weekend. Let's do it again soon...

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